This article is about our creative advertising master’s degree. A subject that is becoming more and more multidisciplinary and that is beginning to cover all types of companies and not just agencies. Innovation has become commonplace and all companies want to achieve this differential. We will try to tell you what it consists of where you can work and what you ne to know if your dream is to work in this field.
What is creative advertising?
Creative advertising is a way of communicating in an original creative and innovative way the message that a company wants to convey.
Why study creative advertising?
Creativity is a subject that is learn.
Creativity is not a moment of inspiration it is a process of hard work that leads to innovative results. That is why it is correct to say that creativity is only 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration (hard work). In our master’s degree in creative advertising we will teach you how to find innovative solutions to different problems present by a company.
How to choose your masters degree in advertising?
Currently the offer of courses and master’s degrees in advertising creativity marketing graphic design and other disciplines has grown exponentially in Spain. It is essential to know each center and the training level they offer to ensure training that is in accordance with the current nes of the market. You must analyze different factors that we will detail below to decide whether to study creative advertising and where to do it.
Learn creativity techniques
Within the course you will learn to use different creativity techniques that will help you in different parts of the creative process. These techniques will help you to solve situations using parallel thinking that proposes innovative solutions to a problem. We can describe 4 main techniques that you will use within the process both at school and in the rest of your professional life:
Induction: this technique is carri out by choosing words that are relat to the initial problem and looking for connectors between them. Once we establish the multiple connections between the words and the problem we use them as a starting point to generate ideas.
Editing data These new WANs are intelligent buy telemarketing data at the edge. Data server They are able to categorize data and route it over. According a variety of transport types based on policy or application performance requirements. Telemarketing Data And they ensure a high-quality.Telemarket Data secure experience to users regardless of their physical location, access device, or application location.
Mind map:
this is an exploratory technique which leads to understanding the problem and its ramifications in order to find better solutions.
Sleep writing: going to b with a piece of paper and a pencil on your nightstand to write down everything that may come to you in the middle of the night these are the purest and most selfless thoughts. The next day you can discuss them with your work group and see what solutions that idea could have.
the most famous of all the techniques. It consists of a brainstorming session where the group contributes anything that comes to mind regardless of its usefulness to generate a number of ideas that can give rise to a better one. The best thing about this technique is losing shame since you don’t know what thought (no matter how silly it may seem) can be the driver of a creative solution.
creativity course
You will learn to carry out creative campaigns
Creative campaigns are work processes that start from a creative brief and that have different objectives or problems to solve for a brand. To carry this out certain parameters are defin as a work guide that aims to arrive at an innovative concept that “solves” that problem.
Once the concept is in place and the strategy is defin it is important to make the respective adaptation to all the mia that affect the brand known as a 360Âș innovation campaign: which covers the graphic design of the pieces the tone us in the different communication channels the brandingthe corporate image among others.
What are the types of advertising campaigns?
There are many books on advertising creativity that buy special database deal with this topic so we could make an endless list describing the types of cases. We will try to summarize in 5 the types of advertising campaigns that can arise in the different stages of the life cycle of a brand.
Launch advertising campaigns are to announce that
A new product or service is coming to bh lists the market. It can be one of the stages that requires the greatest investment since the product must be made known.
Why is it important to have a Degree in Advertising?
Well as I was saying it is a fundamental starting point to enter this world and obtain an ucational base to later specialize in a branch. You have to keep in mind that we are still in a culture in which degrees have a certain importance and obtaining a degree is a tool to later look for work or do a master’s or postgraduate degree.