Email marketing and automation is able to build marketing

Email marketing and automation is able to build marketing automation models. Using email and sms marketing as means of personaliz communication. Ecommerce with shopify know how to structure build and operate an ecommerce from scratch through. Shopify with basic payment and dropshipping integrations. Digital analytics you can create models to analyze and measure. The effectiveness…

Use customer reviews Customer reviews essential

Use customer reviews Customer reviews essential to optimize your clothing e-commerce. According to a recent study of consumers read online reviews fore making a purchase and trust these reviews as much as personal recommendations. If you’re not already using customer reviews on your site it’s time to start! Make sure you prominently dplay customer reviews…

In articles publish on the blog

In articles publish on the blog you should place links to products from the catalog; you can supplement the information section with reviews of new products and other but no less useful information. The links will lead to transitions to commercial pages which can lead to a significant increase in sales. Conversion. By studying informational…