What are the initial tasks to sell a product online from scratch

 What are the  If you have read between the lines in one of the last posts, you will have realized that I am currently thinking about a new business idea . I don’t know if you could make a lot of money with it, but it is a type of project that has attracted me for a long time: selling a physical product in an online store, also creating a brand from scratch.

Quick options to set up an online store from scratch What are the

What are the  Quick options to set up an online store from scratch To launch an online category email list business you don’t need much. Sometimes it can be easier (at least at first glance) than one imagines from ignorance. Sometimes you can start without having your own infrastructure: Sell ​​your product through Amazon : you can use the e-commerce giant’s sales platform to sell online. You can even do it in Amshipping mode so you don’t even have to worry about logistical issues. Sell ​​through your blog : it is the simplest and most basic way. 

Tasks and estimated times to set up an online store from scratch online from

Tasks and estimated times to set up an online store from BM Lists scratch I’m not looking for anything complicated. Something simple. A store to sell a product and at most have 3-4 design variations. It requires a relatively small investment because the cost of launching this business is mostly my time. Although I value it as something incredibly valuable because it is very limited, it is also a form of fun because I enjoy doing it.

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