60 SEO Strategies: Web Positioning Techniques and Actions on Google

60 SEO Strategies: Web Positioning Techniques and Actions on Google. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a world full of strategies . Web positioning in search engines is a challenge for those companies and businesses that want to position themselves on the first pages of Google organically. Or, in other words, how to position yourself…

List of ALL Social Networks in the World in 2023 [+100]

List of ALL Social Networks in the World in 2023 [+100]. Social networks are constantly evolving. Some endure, others modify their nature, others die. This article brings together the most important platforms and social networks grouped by categories of the moment. Additionally, in this post you will find some recommendations to get more out of…

The 25 Best Marketing Books for Entrepreneurs

The 25 Best Marketing Books for Entrepreneurs. At Aula CM we have compiled the best marketing books of the year. On this occasion we have added to the usual selection of advertising. branding and social media books. the best books for entrepreneurs. Very practical, useful and interesting titles for those who want to start their…

55 Ideas and Tips from marketing leaders at PRO Marketing DAY 2018

55 Ideas and Tips from marketing leaders at PRO Marketing DAY 2018. Last April 14, PRO Marketing DAY was held in Madrid. the Digital Marketing event organized by Aula CM. which this year welcomed more than 500 attendees. 18 presentations and 4 real cases and which once again left us with great moments and new…

The 12 essential steps to MANAGE an Online Crisis WELL

The 12 essential steps to MANAGE an Online Crisis WELL. Unfortunately, Trolls and Haters attacks are not just isolated cases and can seriously compromise a brand’s online reputation. Attacks can be frequent on some social networks, and therefore, every brand should be prepared. You must have and know how to manage a crisis management protocol…

Nestlé will prohibit in 2023 the advertising of products

Nestlé , one of the main companies in the food sector, announces that in mid-2023 it will stop broadcasting advertising on sweets and sugary drinks aimed at children under 16 years of age on television and the internet, including social networks, starting July 1, 2023, in all markets where the company operates. With this new…

The 11 Pinterest Trends Advertisers Should Know About to Succeed in 2023

Pinterest Predicts is back , the annual report that dissects the main trends for next year. The social network Pinterest is very popular, since more than 400 million people visit it to find inspiration for their projects. Therefore, that is why it is very interesting for advertisers to access insights and rely on these trends,…

Patricia Fernández until now general director of UM leaves the company

IPG Mediabrands announces the departure of Patricia Fernández. Until now general director of UM . During her time in office. The company has been recognized in 2022 as the first media agency for its competitiveness in the Compitches ranking of the independent consulting firm RECMA. Also being one of the most vital companies in Spain…