Scooters and Bicycles Available to Employees

Taking Care of Employee Comfort. May Seem Overzealous, but Research. Shows That People Change Places of Employment. For Very Repetitive Reasons. The Most Common. Of Them is the Atmosphere, Which is Also Influenced. By the Emotional State in Which They. Arrive at Work and Then Home. To Meet the Expectations. Of Employees, the Icea Group…

Two wheelers for Employees That’s an Idea

Employers are usually not interested in how employees get to the workplace. After all, we do work in a specific place and within a specific time period. Fortunately, more and more companies pay attention to the generally understood work comfort of the people they employ. They try to make it easier for their team to…

Work With Our Company Scooter A Few Words

For Some Employers, Remuneration. Is All They Have to Offer Employees. And They Assume That They Do Not Have to Do Anything. Else. Others Go Out of Their Way to Ensure. That Other Needs. For Which People Come. To Work Are Also Met – the Need for Security, Relationships, the Need for Development, Etc. The…

Group With the Award for the Best E-commerce

The semKRK Awards 2023 awards gala with the best case studies is behind us. On June 7, semKRK visited Stara Zajezdnia in Krakow again to select the leaders of the SEO, Google Ads and E-commerce markets. Among the awarded companies, iCEA Group received a statuette in the “Best E-commerce Campaign” category. The semKRK conference is…

KRK Awards statuettes handed out iCEA Group with

The semKRK Awards 2023 awards gala with the best case studies is behind us. On June 7, semKRK visited Stara Zajezdnia in Krakow again to select the leaders of the SEO, Google Ads and E-commerce markets. However Among the awarded companies, iCEA Group received a statuette in the “Best E-commerce Campaign” category. The semKRK conference…

Currently the Development of the E-commerce

Marek has been helping companies launch and develop e-commerce in the B2B and B2C industries for over a decade, supporting them from the first ideas of starting online sales to scaling sales results. He shares his knowledge in his own podcast “E-Commerce Art”. Choosing an e-commerce engine is one of those decisions that has great…

A new series of free webinars for e-commerce owners

Currently, the development of the e-commerce industry is largely due to small and medium-sized enterprises, which constitute approximately 99%. all companies in the European Union. They are the most important element of e-commerce. Over the last few years, they have been responsible for creating approximately 85 percent. new jobs. They have a huge impact on…

Trends to watch out for location

Funkymia also offers web analytics services to help businesses better understand their customers and their nes. The company also offers graphic design services to help companies create unique and effective graphic designs. HOW TO USE FUNKYMIA POSITIONING TO INCREASE THE VISIBILITY OF YOUR WEBSITE? To use the website positioning services offer by Funkymia Wałcz, please…

With video marketing other digital marketing

Thanks to these services, you can increase the visibility of your website and increase traffic to it. WHAT ARE THE LATEST TRENDS IN WEBSITE. POSITIONING USING FUNKYMIA POSITIONING WARSAW. The latest trends in website positioning with. Funkymia include a number of techniques that help increase the visibility of your website in search results. Among them…

Potential problems and crises in customer relations

So how do you avoid a false start in international sales? According to Diana. Make a reliable assessment of the potential market or invest in employees relat. To a given country who will not only be responsible for the quality of translation on our website. But will also know, for example. What strategy to adopt…

Today it’s hard to imagine the web without them

Therefore, you should take care of advertising and visibility in these spaces as well. This does not mean that you have to be in every one – as we mention at the beginning. Proper market research and determining where the customers. You want to reach shop most often will make this task easier for you.…

Does Need For An Offer As A Basis We Need

Which could lead to a shift towards more sustainable modes of transport for business travel. Without more information, it’s difficult to say with certainty how these or other factors will affect the future of business travel.” And of course it is also true that prdictions are always difficult – especially when, like ChatGPT, you have…